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We are proud to announce that LynkCity, ride hailing services are now available in Northern Ireland. LynkCity has been providing taxi...

How LynkCity Ensures Women’s Safety?

Booking an online taxi has always been more than just click-ride-pay. The biggest issue that needs to be addressed on an urgent basis is...

How It Works

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Most frequent questions and answers Why is LynkCity any better How do I book a Taxi? How do I pay? Can I...

Earn More Money by Driving a Taxi

Earning more money is always the goal in any profession besides work satisfaction. With a plethora of career options to choose from, it...

Are Taxis Safe? | LynkCity

Much has been made of how some on-demand transportation is not well vetted. Some drivers for on-demand ride companies aren’t necessarily...

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